Gladwin joins Trinity Memorial for worship this week. This replaces our regular worship at Gladwin.
Trinity Memorial United Church online service
Ways to Join:
Note: You can find the bulletin with the prayers and lyrics here:
- Sunday Morning Worship:On your computer or tablet on ZOOM online Worship. You may need to enter this password 839660.
NOTE that you can always go to the Zoom Website at . Click "join a meeting", enter the meeting ID 493 372 6042 and the password 839660.
- By phone - call 1 778 907 2071 after connecting when asked enter 493 372 6042 and then when asked enter this password 839660
See detailed instructions for each below:
- If you already have used Zoom, click on this link: Sunday worship
- If you haven't used Zoom, and are confident on your computer or tablet, follow the instructions after the link. For iPad and other tablets, an app may be needed. Note that when asked you need to give Zoom permission to use your microphone and camera. But please remain muted during the service unless you have a part.
- Good luck Friends, don't let the technology drive you crazy, just phone in if you need to.
- To use a computer to go online for worship, your computer should have a microphone and camera. Most laptops have both. Your desktop may not; however, you should be able to listen and watch on a computer without a camera or a microphone.
- On an Apple computer, there is also an app to download. If you know how to install an app, it should be straightforward, however, the app isn't required, since the link will take you to the Zoom webpage, and you can click on "join a meeting" on the top menu bar and enter the meeting ID which is. 578 318 6702 and then enter this password 839660
- This is the same process for a Windows-based computer.
- Remember if you can't get connected using your computer, you can still take part using your phone, even if it is just a regular home phone.
- If you are online with a computer or tablet, you will be able to type in comments, questions, and prayer requests using the chat feature.
- To enable a chat window on an iPad touch the three dots in the top right-hand corner. A pull-down menu will appear. Touch Chat and a window will pop up with your screen's keyboard.
- To enable Chat on the computers: Find the Chat menu item on the top menu bar.
- Note: Our meeting host will control muting microphones but you can mute both the microphone and video if you wish.
- At the end of the Service, the host will unmute everyone; however, you may need to also unmute on your computer or tablet before anyone will be able to hear you.
- If you are having trouble hearing the service, remember to turn up your volume. Sometimes the computer speakers are poor quality and plugging in headphones, earplugs, or external speakers will help.
- Joining our worship with your phone: Any time after 9:30 am Sunday morning, call
1-778-907-2071 you will be asked for a meeting ID. Enter 578 318 6702 on your telephone keypad then enter the password 839660.
This should allow you to listen to worship. The service will begin at 10 am exactly, but you may hear others talking on the call. Say hello and your friends may already be listening.
We ask that you mute your microphone during the service. Our meeting host will mute everyone once we start.